Enter email which is register with us.
Score Surge Prep allows you to import user information for an entire student population, an entire grade level, or a specific subset of students while choosing whether to set up sections of teachers and students and whether to import the most common demographics tracked in educational data.
If your school is looking to give practice and analysis to all students with the least amount of effort, just create users and be ready to start practicing and analyzing results for detailed reports about the skills tested and student performance.
If your school wants to create instructional groups, then section IDs can be imported, and designated teachers can be given access to student performance in order to target instruction for groups and individuals based on need.
If your school would like to track performance based on specific demographic criteria, import the demographic data needed so that the comparison reports can help you identify gaps and trends. Help subgroups of students, and assist students who need the most support.
Don’t have a lot of technology support? Use the “create an account with a code” option so that you don’t have to set up import files. Set up one administrator account (district administrator, school administrator, or technology coordinator designation), and use the “create an account with a code” button to have students join. This feature is specifically intended for private tutors, extra-curricular programs, and educators that do not have technology specialists available to set up imports from the school system SIS.
Also, classes, teachers, and students can be added manually within the program if that better suits your needs.
Imports should be completed in the following order:
Class Import- Using the Class import allows you to fully utilize the reporting and organization of users. It is optional if you would like to import users but not organize them by classes or link them to specific teachers.
Teacher Import- Teacher users will have access to the section IDs they are associated with. If no section IDs are imported on the class and/or teacher imports the teacher level user will have no access to student data. (Teachers could be given access to sections of students in a specific grouping like an English class, or scheduled ACT preparation course using the section ID in the SIS. However, if you would like to have a teacher work with a grouping of students that is not a section in your SIS, i.e. all juniors with a projected score below 25, a “dummy” section ID could be created for a designated group.)
Student Import- The student import is designed to allow the user to have maximum flexibility to suit your needs. The minimum to import is the school ID, first and last name, username and/or email, and a password. Any individual piece of demographic data can be imported so that a school can track the progress of groups.
Now you are ready to work on specific skills and content knowledge that will help you raise your score.
For English and Math, we recommend that you use the specific terms on the reports (i.e. "comma splice") to search online for review and practice through websites like Khan Academy and that you work with your high school teachers.
For the reading and science tests, we recommend that you utilize more practice ACT tests and review websites that give tips and strategies since these two tests are more concerned with general test-taking skills than specific content knowledge.
Now that you know what areas the majority of your class is struggling with, you can use this information to begin to plan out the best ways for your students to practice.
If you would like our suggestions for instructional materials and lessons, please contact us for additional training and support using the website.